OnlyOffice vs Collabora: a critical comparison Collabora My analysis is that although OnlyOffice seems to have more features, it needs FAR more hosting resources than Collabora. The minimum resources for OnlyOffice are below. In comparison, Collabora can be setup on a 1GB RAM server (using about 65% of ram). I have also managed to install on the same server […]

PicoCMS for Nextcloud & Nginx Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS. That’s definitely a mouthful, what does it even mean? In the most basic sense, it means that there is no administration backend or database to deal with. You simply create markdown files in the content folder and those files become your pages. There’s much […]

How To Install Collabora Using Docker On Ubuntu 16.04

This Collabora install is used for integration with Nextcloud. 1. Create subdomain for the Collabora online server $ sudo mkdir /var/www/ 2. Install a valid SSL certificate See How To Issue LetsEncrypt ACMEv2 Wildcard Certs 3. Add a new nginx server block Add this code to the end of an existing server block or […]

How to Install Docker Compose on Linux Systems 1. Run this command to download the latest version of Docker Compose: $ sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose Use the latest Compose release number in the download command. The above command is an example, and it may become out-of-date. To ensure you have the latest version, check the Compose repository release […]