How To Install Docker On Ubuntu 16.04/18.04

1. Installing Docker $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D $ sudo apt-add-repository ‘deb ubuntu-xenial main’ $ sudo apt-get update Make sure you are about to install from the Docker repo instead of the default Ubuntu 16.04 repo: $ apt-cache policy docker-engine You should see output similar to the […]

How To Redirect Your WAN IP Address To Your LAN Server

I. Using DigitialOcean ‘Network’ settings for domains II. Using Namecheap’s ‘Advanced DNS’ settings. III. Using ‘DNS Records’ panel. IV. When connecting to a local Nextcloud server using a self-signed SSL certificate I DigitialOcean ‘Network’ settings for domains To redirect to a domain name Create a new A record > enter domain name in the […]

Nextcloud Crontab/Cronjob Settings

The best/clearest info I have seen for using a cronjob with the preview generator app: $ sudo crontab -e -u www-data then enter the code below at the bottom (runs every 15 minutes): */15 * * * * php -f /var/www/nextcloud/cron.php How to run a cron manually (the example below is for nextcloud): […]

How To Integrate Git With An Existing Website

alt: How To Convert An Existing Website Into A Git Repo THIS GUIDE HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETELY TESTED YET Did steps 3 and 4 on live production site/ directory (/var/www/ but DID NOT DO STEP 5 (commit) yet. also see (& compare the above link with): This guide shows how to setup git […]

How To Export A MySQL Database Using The Command Prompt 1. Easiest Way For Export: $ mysqldump -u [username] -p [password] [dbname] > filename.sql To Import: $ mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql Note: It is better to use the full path of the SQL file ‘file.sql’ And if you wish to zip it at the same time: To Export: mysqldump -u […]