also adds crontab for letsencrypt certificate renewal Installation $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo apt-get install php-gd php-json php-mysql php-curl php-intl php-mcrypt php-imagick php-zip php-dom php7.0-xml php-mbstring wget unzip edit php.ini file: $ sudo nano /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini Find and edit or modify the following values. Use Ctrl+w to search […]
UFW Firewall Policies info on system logging:
How To Add User Permissions To A Folder In Ubuntu 1. You might encounter the following error message. That’s because Resilio Sync is running as rslsync user. Don’t have permissions to write to selected folder. Let’s say you selected your home folder ‘/home/your-username/’ as the shared folder. To fix the above error, all you need to do is to grant permissions on your home […]
How To Install Resilio Sync On Ubuntu 16.04 Using Vagrant 1. Register the Resilio repository: $ echo “deb resilio-sync non-free” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list 2. Add public key with the following command: $ wget -qO – | sudo apt-key add – 3. Install Resilio sync $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install resilio-sync 4. Enable auto start at boot […]
How To Copy Files From One Directory To Another In Ubuntu $ sudo cp -R Source_Folder Destination_Folder example: $ sudo cp -R /media/mydrive/Movies /media/backup This command can also be used to copy files, by just removing the “-R” which is used to copy the recursive structure of internal folders (if there are any in the Source_Folder path that we mentioned.) The -a flag turns […]
How To Format A 3TB + Drive On Ubuntu 1. To find the drive name (will be something like ‘/dev/sdX’ – where X is a letter like ‘a’ or ‘b’) $ lsblk 2. to use the ‘parted’ command: $ sudo parted /dev/sdX In the parted interactive console type (change 3.00TB to the size of your drive): (parted) mklabel gpt (parted) unit TB (parted) […]
Configure Samba File Sharing In Ubuntu,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way! The Windows machine must be in the same workgroup. To check the value in the Windows machine run the following command at cmd prompt: net config workstation Your Windows machine must be in the same Workstation domain as the Ubuntu server, i.e. WORKGROUP. To make the windows machine reachable in Windows by […]